Christmas is one of the most important celebrations of Christianity, Ecuador is largely characterized by its traditions and customs in the Christmas season.
Tradition characterizes Christmas dinners with typical dishes at this time. On December 25 at 12 in the morning a dinner is held in which it is customary to eat the traditional stuffed turkey, wine and as a dessert the famous "pristiños", which are served with a honey with spices and a pinch of cinnamon and is the most emblematic dessert of the Ecuadorian mountains.
However, there is a high percentage who consumes chicken due to the high cost of turkey, and only 10% eat piglet and is more of a wealthy group.
Turkey or chicken is usually served with vegetable-rich salads and the typical Russian salad with yogurt mayonnaise.
Another traditional dessert are the famous "fritters" made from flour, eggs, milk and yeast with a special shape and with the flavor that all Ecuadorians like. Fritters, like pristiños, are served with spice honey and cinnamon.
Other culinary recommendations for these festive Christmas seasons could be figs with cheese, Christmas eggnog, paila ice cream and homemade cake.
Here is the recipe for a Russian salad with yogurt mayonnaise that can accompany either turkey, chicken or suckling pig: Ingredients:
3 boiled potatoes, peeled and diced.
2 green apples, cut into cubes.
1 white onion, diced.
2 cups chopped pineapple into small pieces¼ cup of chopped and roasted pecans (may be used nuts too)
Yogurt mayonnaise
1 cup Greek natural yogurt
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon
¼ mustard teaspoon dried oregano
½ teaspoon salt teaspoon
½ teaspoon pepper
½ Avocado (Palta) (optional to thicken up)
1. Prepare the mayonnaise: pour all the ingredients into the blender and mix until you get a homogeneous mixture. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Mix all salad ingredients in a bowl, pour mayonnaise and mix. Store in refrigerator until before server.
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Christmas, Desserts, Dishes, Ecuador, Continuous improvement, Process, Welcome, Advice, Colombian Nationality, Support, Accompaniment, Relocation, LARM.
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